Nepali Functions Addin for Excel V6

It has been sometime that people had been requesting for an excel utility that would perform the date conversion from AD to BS and vice versa in Excel itself. Finally, I have had the time to program it and hope that it can help you in some way.
You can download the file here.
Available Functions
AD2BS( “enter_ad_date” )
AD2BS( "12/25/2016")
AD date format ( MM/DD/YYYY )
BS2AD( “enter_bs_date” )
BS2AD( "2073/12/25")
BS date format ( YYYY/MM/DD )
number2words( enter_number )number2words( 123 )Returns the result in preeti font
number2words_preeti( enter_number, show_units )number2words_preeti( 123 )Returns the result in preeti font. Here show_units is optional and set to false by default; Shows paisa count if set to true.
number2words_unicode( enter_number, show_units )number2words_unicode( 123 )Returns the result in unicode. Here show_units is optional and set to false by default; Shows paisa count if set to true.
number2words_english( enter_number, show_units )number2words_english( 123 )Returns the result in nepali system ( crore, lakh, thousand ). Here show_units is optional and set to false by default; Shows paisa count if set to true.
BsDatesDiff( “start_date”, “end_date” )
BsDatesDiff( "2073/2/3", "2073/2/5" )
Date count between 2 BS Dates
BsAddDays( “bs_date”, no_of_days )
BsAddDays( "2073/2/3", 5 )
Add or Subtract number of days from a BS Date
  • AD2BS(“enter_ad_date”) // AD date format (MM/DD/YYYY)
  • BS2AD(“enter_bs_date”) // BS date format (YYYY/MM/DD)
  • number2words(enter_number) // Assign the font as Preeti
  • number2words_preeti(enter_number, show_units) // the output is in Preeti font, and show_units specifies if you want to get units (
  • number2words_unicode(enter_number, show_units) // Assign the font as Preeti
  • number2words_english(enter_number, show_units)
  • BsDatesDiff(“start_date”, “end_date”) // Date count between 2 Bs Dates
  • BsAddDays(“bs_date”, no_of_days”) // Add or Subtract number of days from a BS Date
  • Open Excel 2007/2010/2013
  • Click Office Start Button at the top left corner of the screen
  • Select Excel Options
  • In the Excel Options window, select Add-Ins tab from the left sidebar
  •  Inside the right side pane, make sure the Manage drop down says Excel Add-ins before you click the Go button.
  • AddIns window is opened up. Click on Browse and navigate to the above downloaded file (Sajan.Nepali.Functions.xlam)
  • Check on Sajan.Nepali.Functions in the list and then Click OK
  • You are done.
  • Date Range from 2000 BS to 2099 BS.
  • Date Range from 1944 AD to 2043 AD.
You can download the file here.
